This post covers some usefull Unix utilities to run parallel processes on the command line.
ReadCet article traite d'un problème auquel nous avons fait face était de rendre possible l’exécution de notre modèle sur des centaines de milliers d’utilisateurs dans un temps très court. Il y avait un gain très grand à réaliser en changeant simplement la manière dont nous traitions chaque utilisateur.
ReadI've recently learned a couple of neat tricks to process large amounts of text files more efficiently. Our use-case is efficiently going through tens of gigabytes of logs to extract specific lines and do some operation on them. Here are a couple of things we've done to speed things up.
ReadOSX's "top" program doesn't quite behave like its Linux counterpart out of the box. For me, the two biggest problems are that processes aren't sorted by CPU usage and the top program itself uses 10% of the CPU because it calculates all sorts of statistics about memory and shared library usage that I personally don't care about.
ReadMy old D-Link router, like pretty much every other router I've ever owned, wasn't very reliable in some way and so I was looking for open-source alternative firmwares like Tomato to flash it with. With the clear lack of effort put into the official firmwares, I thought it couldn't hurt to try. Unfortunately, my router wasn't supported by any third party firmware.