I've been playing with the macOS Sierra Golden Master for a few days and ran into the new storage optimization app that is now included in macOS. It lead me to realise that Chrome was using 21GB of SSH space!
ReadIn OSX Lion (might also be the case for older versions to), there is no direct way to hibernate a laptop except running out of battery power. The only available option is sleep, which will wake from memory; so it keeps draining the battery. It is possible to change this default behavior with the utility "pmset".
ReadIf you rsync a sparse bundle disk image to another Mac without the -E flag (or if you copy it to a non Mac system), you will loose the ability to double click on it in the Finder to mount it. This is because the extended attributes telling the Finder the folder is actually a bundle are lost in the transfer.
Readtrafshow is a simple little program that displays the current traffic on a network interface.
ReadOSX's "top" program doesn't quite behave like its Linux counterpart out of the box. For me, the two biggest problems are that processes aren't sorted by CPU usage and the top program itself uses 10% of the CPU because it calculates all sorts of statistics about memory and shared library usage that I personally don't care about.
ReadThis post talks about a script that brings up OSX's FileMerge program instead of the text-based file comparisons you get with mercurial with doing an "hg diff".