My internship at Sun Microsystems Labs, which has been going on for about 15 months - 9 of those full time at their campus in the Boston area - is coming to an end. During the course of those months, I've met a lot of very smart and fun people, I've worked on very challenging and stimulating problems and I've discovered a bunch of really good New England beers.
ReadIf you rsync a sparse bundle disk image to another Mac without the -E flag (or if you copy it to a non Mac system), you will loose the ability to double click on it in the Finder to mount it. This is because the extended attributes telling the Finder the folder is actually a bundle are lost in the transfer.
Readtrafshow is a simple little program that displays the current traffic on a network interface.
ReadOSX's "top" program doesn't quite behave like its Linux counterpart out of the box. For me, the two biggest problems are that processes aren't sorted by CPU usage and the top program itself uses 10% of the CPU because it calculates all sorts of statistics about memory and shared library usage that I personally don't care about.
ReadMy old D-Link router, like pretty much every other router I've ever owned, wasn't very reliable in some way and so I was looking for open-source alternative firmwares like Tomato to flash it with. With the clear lack of effort put into the official firmwares, I thought it couldn't hurt to try. Unfortunately, my router wasn't supported by any third party firmware.
ReadThis post talks about a script that brings up OSX's FileMerge program instead of the text-based file comparisons you get with mercurial with doing an "hg diff".