

SQLite3, php5 and MAMP

The version of php5 bundled with MAMP doesn't come with sqlite3 support built-in out of the box. Here's how to add it, considering the following setup.


Ways of setting a CSS property to an element in Google Web Toolkit [UPDATED]

This post talks about ways to add or modify a CSS property of an element in Google Web Toolkit (GWT).


GWT, state and external application-handled links

I came across the problem of having to open an external link (handled by a specific application, in this case Spotify from a Google Web Toolkit (GWT) application. The link does not load an actual page in the browser but only triggers Spotify to play songs from the artist specified in the link.


How does your web page look in every browser? (Updated)

Every web designer knows that making a web page come out just right in every browser can cause quite a headache, especially when combining elements like W3C standards and IE6. It's hard to have a working copy of all the different browsers and all the different versions to test. Browsershots.org to the rescue!
