
Mapping Press Releases in the 2015 Canadian Federal Election

The 2015 Canadian federal election is in its final stretch and college and I thought it would be a great opportunity to collect some data and do some machine learning. Citizen data science in action!


Hacking an epic NHL goal celebration with a hue light show and real-time machine learning

This post does a deep dive on the **epic goal celebration hack**. In a single sentence, I trained a machine learning model to detect in real-time that a goal was just scored by the Habs based on the live audio feed of a game and to trigger a light show using Philips hues in my living room.


MapReduce avec parallel, cat et une redirection

Cet article traite d'un problème auquel nous avons fait face était de rendre possible l’exécution de notre modèle sur des centaines de milliers d’utilisateurs dans un temps très court. Il y avait un gain très grand à réaliser en changeant simplement la manière dont nous traitions chaque utilisateur.


Efficient log processing

I've recently learned a couple of neat tricks to process large amounts of text files more efficiently. Our use-case is efficiently going through tens of gigabytes of logs to extract specific lines and do some operation on them. Here are a couple of things we've done to speed things up.


64-bit Scientific Python on Windows

Getting a 64-bit installation of Python with scientific packages on our dear Windows isn't as simple as running an apt-get or port command...


Boston Music Hackday

I was thrilled to attend the Boston Music Hackday this week-end. A lot of people hacked up some pretty cool projects, many of us coding until the very early morning Sunday (aka 4am), only to get back up a few hours later (aka 8am) to keep at it until the dreaded 15h45 deadline, when we all had to submit our demos. The organisers did a wonderful job and the event was a success at every level.
